What does it mean to be an insider and an outsider?
In the lottery, everyone in the village are close friends. But when Old Man Warner says "It's not the way it used to be...People ain't the way they used to be", he is refering to the other villages who have dropped the tradition of sacrificing other's for the sake of the crop. Everyone in the village is for the lottery, up until the point where you are chosen. An example of that would be Tessie Hutchinson, she was all for the lottery but when she was chosen she exclaimed how unfair it was. Everyone on the inside understand why this has to be done, but an outsider wouldn't see it as fair.
Tessie could be connected to a real life person by means that one minute you could be in with a group of friends and know everything. But suddenly, everybody turns against you and you've all of a sudden become the outsider.